Blog Updates and what to expect in 2019

It's interesting to observe how small children digest the concept of time. When I hear my daughter begin a sentence with, "when I was little" I have to chuckle a bit because to her, being little was ages ago, yet to me it seems as if it was only yesterday.

As I've gotten older I've learned that people either fight against time or they embrace it. I find it fascinating how time evolves as we move through different seasons of life. Time moves fast. Time stands still. Time brings joy or pain. All in all, Time is constantly changing and it's up to us to keep up with it otherwise we could get left behind. My goal is to view the changing of times and different seasons as an adventure rather than a drudgery so lets embrace Time together!

The end of 2018 is fast approaching and we have several exciting plans for the blog! I know I've been a little absent on the blog here the past few months, but we have been putting our focus on growing our YouTube channel and launching our first product, but now that we have that well established I'm ready to bring you some new and exciting topics here. Moving into 2019 I plan on posting twice a month on the blog in hopes to increase that number in time. I've got several exciting topics and recipes to share with you including, made-from-scratch, gluten-free, and dairy-free options too.

Another exciting event going on around here is the blog is getting a makeover! My husband and I are currently in the design stages, but I'm hoping the "new look" will be revealed by January of 2019. The new website will be easy to navigate plus we're adding a few new additions.

The last new thing we're adding to the website is we are getting ready to launch our own candle line! We've been preparing this for the past eight months and we are now reaching the finish line and we are so excited to share our product with you. Our shop will be added to our website for easy purchasing. We also have several other products we plan on adding to our shop in the 2019 year, which we are thrilled about and can't wait to share with you!

Some upcoming recipes to look forward to in the next few months are DIY Ramen Bowl, Irish Farmhouse Chicken Casserole, and the best, no-fail biscuits!

Thank you so much for all of your support, sticking with us in our journey, and we look forward to continue along with you on our adventure in the upcoming year!


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