Shopping local doesn't just mean buying food, clothing, and household goods. Have you ever given LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT much thought? One of the best ways we can support our communities is by how we entertain ourselves. Below are my top 5 suggestions to find fun things to do right in your own backyard.... figuratively speaking.
Libraries sponsor all kinds of events for all ages! Everything from story time for toddlers, summer reading programs, knitting clubs, book clubs, classes, exhibits, and so much more! Your tax dollars are paying for it so why not use it?! I began taking my daughter to the library story time when she was about one years old and not only was it great for her to interact with other children, but it gave me a chance to meet other moms in my community. When we first moved to our town I knew no one and all it took was a few trips to story time to form some great friendships! To discover what's going on at your library, visit their website and follow the links to their events/calendar page.
State parks are another great option for entertainment. Not only is there hiking, canoeing, and swimming, but many state parks host several activities throughout the year. If you live in a metropolitan area, city parks often have summer camps and classes for kids too! If community activities are not your thing then pack a picnic, grab the family, and head out for an afternoon at the park. During the warmer months I meet a friend and her kiddos at the state park at least twice a month and it's great fellowship time for us mommies while the kids have fun playing. We usually meet in the early morning and our kids enjoy playing on the playground, taking nature walks, spending time in the sand box, then it's snack time before heading home.
During the Depression, every small town across America had a local movie theater usually located somewhere on main street. The whole town would show up on Saturday night to watch the latest movies from actors such as William Holden and Lauren Bacall. The movie theater was a place where the community gathered to be entertained to take their worries off of the world. In the 1990's when I was a kid, local movie theaters were non-existent since the chain movie theaters took over. Today local theaters are popping up all over the country. We have one in our town that is family-owned and way cheaper compared to the chain movie theaters. Last time my husband and I visited our theater, for two movie tickets, 1 medium popcorn, and a bottled water it only cost $11! Talk about reasonable! The other fun thing about community theaters is more than likely you'll see someone you know, which makes the experience all the more fun! Local theaters tend to sponsor community events too! Our local theater partners with our library to sponsor free kid movies throughout the summer. If you live in a metropolitan area there is bound to be a local theater option. For those living in the country, you may have to drive a little further to find one, but I guarantee it will be an unforgettable night of fun!
4. Local Festivals and fairs, & Live Music
County fairs, parades, and festivals are another great avenue for entertainment. These events offer a variety of activities so there's sure to be something for the whole family. County fairs usually expect you to pay for parking, but once inside, you can choose how much money you want to spend. By visiting your county fair, you're not only supporting local farmers, but local businesses, and your whole community in general. Our family has our favorites that we enjoy visiting every year. If you are new to your community and not sure where to find these events, next time you're in the bank ask the teller, or ask your local librarian. Usually these events will have flyers and posters throughout the community so keep your eyes peeled for them as your running errands around town.
Often times when we're thinking what to do over the weekend, people overlook all of the historic sites close by. I've made many travels to other states and even other countries to visit historic sites, but the funny thing is there's lots of history right here in my home state I still haven't seen. The nice thing about visiting historic sites within your home state is the trip can usually be made in an afternoon or an easy day trip so you're not having to spend hotel fare to have a little fun. This is also a great way to peak children's interest in history. Children tend to respond better to history when it's offered up in a more hands-on approach rather than via textbook.
Now that we're knee deep into summer I hope this list will give you some ideas for exploring, entertainment, and family fun! I'm sure there are plenty of other ideas for LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT and if you have any unique ideas be sure to leave them in the comments below. Until next time!
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